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Tag: Microsoft

Microsoft plans pre-compiled queries for Entity Framework, and may replace old and crufty .NET SQL Server provider

Microsoft has published its plans for Entity Framework (EF) Core 8, its .NET ORM (Object-relational mapping) library, including […]

Microsoft worries Windows desktop developers by calling WPF a ‘community run project’

A Microsoft .NET Community Standup has left Windows desktop developers wondering what kind of future, if any, the […]

Visual Studio Code 1.74 released with remote tunnelling from anywhere

Microsoft has released Visual Studio Code 1.74 with new features including remote tunnelling in the stable release (though […]

Microsoft enhances tooling for another framework that will not die: Web Forms

Visual Studio 2022 includes a surprising new feature: a new preview/visual designer for ASP.Net Web Forms. Web Forms […]

AWS CodeWhisperer AI coding service updated with new languages, enterprise login, and more

This is a big week for AWS, with its Re:invent conference under way in Las Vegas. An early […]

Developing on Windows on Arm: Surface Pro 9 or DevKit, or maybe a Mac?

Microsoft is making a push, of sorts, for Windows Arm64 – the latest in a number of attempts, […]

Microsoft: Platform Invoke in .NET 7.0 sweeps away ‘old weird behaviors’ in fundamental shift

Microsoft has introduced a new way to interop with native code in the just-released .NET 7, a fundamental […]

GitHub has hit $1bn revenue and 90m users, says Microsoft CEO on 4th anniversary of acquisition

“Four years since our acquisition, GitHub is now at $1 billion in annual recurring revenue,” reported Microsoft CEO […]

GitHub Copilot under fire as dev claims it emits ‘large chunks of my copyrighted code’

Developer Tim Davis, a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, has claimed on Twitter […]

Microsoft Ignite: Developer? Here’s what you need to know

During its annual Ignite conference, Microsoft revealed features for developers that include an updated Azure App Service with […]