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All about performance: etcd 3.5 looks to make Kubernetes users happy

Almost two years after the team behind distributed key-value store etcd released version 3.4 of the project, etcd […]

What’s the point: Ansible, Puppet, Rust, Kong Mesh, etcd, and Prometheus

IT automation product Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform has been updated to version 1.2, which moves the tool […]

StorageOS hits the big 2.0 as it targets more ‘mature’ clusters

StorageOS has shipped a release candidate of v2.0 of its Kubernetes persistent storage platform bringing a brace of […]

etcd strikes a balance, bolsters backend with 3.4 release

etcd hit v3.4 late last week, promising an improved storage backend, revamped raft voting process, and whole new […]

Fan of isolation, but interested in Kubernetes? Platform9 offers Klusterkit as a way out

Platform9 has packaged etcdadm, nodeadm, and cctl into an open-source toolkit named Klusterkit to ease the delivery of […]

etcd finds new home at CNCF

CoreOS has moved to secure the independence of etcd by donating the distributed key-value store to the Cloud Native […]