Red Hat tops out Ansible Tower 3.4 with nest of workflows

Red Hat tops out Ansible Tower 3.4 with nest of workflows

Red Hat has announced general availability of Ansible Tower 3.4, with the biggest additions coming in the shape of a quartet of workflow enhancements.

Nested workflows should help out with managing hybrid cloud setups by allowing you set up workflows within workflows. The company reckons this will allow more complex operations to be managed. Over time, it said in a blog post, it is likely that workflows with their existing business logic and organizational requirements could become reusable, modular components on their own

Workflow “always job templates” will enable execution of a job, whether it succeeds or fails. If a dependent service needs to be running regardless of the exit status of a workflow then a workflow always job template should be a welcome feature, the company said.

Workflow convergence refers to the ability to have workflow jobs which depend on the conclusion of multiple over jobs before continuing, allowing for better coordination. Workflow level inventory will allow customers to apply a workflow to inventory that they have access to, allowing for the reuse of deployment workflows across datacenters, environments and teams.

Away from the workflow enhancements, job slicing will allow users to break a single large job running across a large number of hosts into multiple smaller jobs for distribution across a Tower cluster environment, in parallel.

Lastly, Ansible Tower can now run on RHEL in FIPS compliant mode. FIPS is a US government cryptographic security standard, which vendors need to comply with when selling into government departments and regulated industries.

Y0u can see full release notes for 3.4.0 here