General-purpose programming language for the JVM Scala is now available in version 2.13.0. Improvements include an overhaul of the standard library collections, and a speedup in Futures.
Language-wise there hasn’t changed too much. However there are now literal types associated to literals, implicit search to construct recursive values is enabled, and underscores can be used as spacers. More details can be found in the release notes.
WildFly 17 takes flight
Clustering and messaging improvements are at the core of newly released version 17 of application server WildFly. The open source project can now use separate subsystems for configuring distributed web session managers and work with messaging clusters behind http load balancers amongst other things.
Other than that the team has continued to put work into getting the project into the cloud. As a consequence, there is now a WildFly Operator for Kubernetes/OpenShift and a launcher to help those interested to use the server as a backend runtime.
Humio boosts security and availability
Logging platform Humio has gotten a couple of updates that should improve the project’s security and availability. Admins are now able to assign permissions and access rights to users, as well as set up groups with any number of permissions and access to specific repos.
The platform now also comes with an API to delete events from Humio Storage, the ability to show the Event Context for a given event, and options to configure primary and secondary storage. A high availability feature allows ops folks to set up redundancy via the cluster nodes administration user interface.
Puppet adds new Forge API endpoints
The team behind Puppet Forge, which is the module repository for infrastructure automation tool Puppet, has announced a collection of new Forge API endpoints. While some use Vox Pupuli project Blacksmith to publish modules, the new endpoints are meant to be a more secure alternative that can help to automate the whole module lifecycle.
Admins can now log into their Forge account, generate an API key, and use the latter to publish, delete, or deprecate modules via the API endpoints. And since this meant that Puppet had to update the docs anyway, they went ahead and improved the navigation and added descriptions for a couple of missing parameters to the documentation.