If it’s December, it must be time for Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.3.0

If it’s December, it must be time for Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.3.0

Spring has declared Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.3.0 generally available, promising a raft of enhancements and generic compatibility changes for Spring Boot 2.2.x and its fashionably named Spring Cloud Hoxton.

The Spring team said while the previous version of its stream and batch data processing tool “supported the ability to register multiple versions of a task application in previous iterations, the ability to run them in a practical way by re-hydrating command line arguments, deployment properties, and application properties used in previous executions has been missing.” 

This has been redressed in the latest version, with the ability to store those values in a manifest and retrieve them and update them if necessary, allowing developers to create continuous deployment flows for their Task applications.

Scheduling has been updated to support Spring Task’s CI/CD features, so that when a Task application is updated, “the next execution in Spring Cloud Data Flow will take advantage of these updates automatically.”

The team has also worked to create a more “consistent” monitoring experience across local infrastructurel, Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry. This includes making Prometheus RSocket Proxy the default approach for Prometheus monitoring of both short lived tasks and long lived streaming applications across all platforms. This will be complemented, according to Spring by, native monitoring of Spring Cloud Tasks and Spring Cloud Batch.

Spring highlighted improvements to Kubernetes deployment, including support for Node Affinity, Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity, and the ability to add multiple ports to Service objects. It also adds customization of the container image used in StatefulSet deployments, implementation of the Scaling API and support for custom init containers.

On the security front, the team said “Our journey to fully move into next generation Spring Security OAuth2 support is almost complete and we expect to finalize it in next releases.”

Which gives you something to look forward to in the New Year, if nothing else.