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Kubernetes focuses on extendibility in 1.16 release (also: debugging might get easier)

The team behind container orchestrator Kubernetes has finished its third release of the year and made v1.16 available, […]

Traefik reverse proxy celebrates 2.0 release with TCP support

The second major release of cloud native edge router Traefik is now available to download, adding TCP support […]

Google’s Anthos blooms onto Istio, Cloud Run

Google has fleshed out its Anthos service, tying it to the Istio service mesh and extending it to […]

Falco founder: Kubernetes security has to do better than “don’t worry – OH MY GOD”

It’s almost a year since Sysdig’s behavioral activity monitoring tool Falco entered the sandbox of the Cloud Native […]

SUSE goes back to the future to secure containers with CaaS v4

SUSE has debuted the latest version of its CaaS container management platform, with a range of features to […]

Istio gets experimental in major update v1.3

The Istio team has declared a “major update” in the shape of v1.3 of the service mesh, which […]

CNCF lights up new SIG targeting application delivery

The Cloud Native Computing Forum (CNCF) has cast its net beyond its core constituency of infrastructure developers with […]

Kubernetes veteran, Tim Hockin: In software, people are always wrong

It wasn’t that long ago that desktop applications were the thing everybody was spending their resources on. However, […]

CNAB ready for prime time, says Docker

Docker announced yesterday that CNAB, a specification for creating multi-container applications, has come of age. The spec has […]

Sumo Logic sees Serverless Computing, containers wooing cloud users

Companies are eager to adopt newer technologies in the cloud, according to a report from Sumo Logic. Serverless […]