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Rust for Microservices: One company’s adoption journey from .NET

Rust is excellent for systems programming but a less obvious choice for general purposes like implementing microservices. At […]

Rust 1.59 serves devs inline assembly and automatic debuginfo-shaving

Rust 1.59 has landed, providing developers with more stability, a way to create smaller binaries, and support for […]

Rust at work seems on the up, but less complexity and more speed could do it wonders

After a tumultuous year in which core members left, an entire moderation team quit the project, the language […]

Cloud Hypervisor feels need for speedy updates in 21.0 release

A good month after getting a new home, virtual machine monitor Cloud Hypervisor is celebrating its first major […]

Rust 1.58 continues efforts to get more friendly, kernel initiative progresses

Rust 1.58 has recently been pushed into the open, and though most changes can be found in the […]

Break point: Puppet, Operator Framework, CircleCI, GitLab, Bevy, and LitmusChaos

During a round of testing, the team behind automation tool Puppet found that upcoming protocol changes at GitHub […]

Break point: Grafana, Wasmer, Rust, Julia, PyTorch Live, Fleet, and Qt Creator

Version 8.3 of observability and data visualization platform Grafana has been made available. The update fixes a series […]

Rust 1.56.0 arrives, delivering Rust 2021 Edition support

The team behind programming language Rust has pushed out version 1.56.0 — the first release to support the […]

Pretty day for making things right: Rust 1.55 adds open range patterns, improves float parsing

Programming language Rust 1.55 is ready to be downloaded. Alongside 17 stabilised methods and trait implementations, the sixth […]

Rust 1.54 pushed out the door, presents niceties for wasm and docs

The team behind C++ challenger Rust has pushed out version 1.54 of the programming language, which brings a […]