What’s the point: Elastic snaps out App Search beta, GitLab updates, Azure gets blue…and more

What’s the point: Elastic snaps out App Search beta, GitLab updates, Azure gets blue…and more

Elastic has released a third beta of its Elastic App Search. New additions include the ability to configure a mailer to send user invitations, and to create a compressed diagnostic bundle to help in troubleshooting. A few bugs are also fixed, including improvements to indexing performance, while multi-query curations no longer restrict the active curated query.

GitLab pipes out v11.8.2

GitLab has released v11.8.2 for its Community and Enterprise Editions, solving a number of “regressions and bugs” in both the 11.80.0 release, and earlier versions. There are 14 fixes and changes overall, and the update also updates the minimum version of Ruby required to v2.5. The CI/CD vendor said the latest version didn’t include any new migrations, and shouldn’t require any downtime.

Azure tweaks Big Data for big shots

Microsoft has announced a preview of Workload Importance on its Gen2 SQL Data Warehouse Platform. WI (let’s call it that) gives data engineers the ability to classify requests by importance – the more important they are, the better access to resources a request gets.  Or as the animation on the page announcing the feature puts it, if the CEO demands a report, it gets to shove its way right to the front of the queue.

Azure’s in Blueprint Blue

Elsewhere on Azure, the vendor has released its first Azure Blueprint built specifically for a compliance standard. The standard in question is ISO 27001 Shared Services, which is designed to lay out a foundational architecture for workloads.

HashiCorp dishes on its secrets

HashiCorp has launched a range of hands-on guides to its Vault secret management product. Topics covered include: Vault Agency Caching; Monitoring Vault Replication; Auto Unseal with Azure Key Vault; and a Vault – Direct App Integration tutorial. Meanwhile the Vault Agent with Kubernetes guide has been refreshed.