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Daunting downtime stats help put industrial DevOps under spotlight

Industrial firms are belatedly adopting DevOps as they get their heads round the fact that industrial code is […]

After ten years of Swift, Apple promises AI-powered tooling and another push toward cross-platform

Apple’s WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) is under way in Cupertino, including a focus on the Swift language – […]

Developers are daunted by security tasks, finds Docker survey, and want better tools

A developer survey conducted by container specialist Docker found that one third of developers find security-related tasks “difficult” […]

Cloudflare updates Workers platform with Python support, event notifications, and improved local development

Cloudflare has updated its serverless Workers platform with new features including Python support, event notifications from R2 storage, […]

Podman 5.0 released with native Mac hypervisor support, new features and breaking changes

RedHat has released Podman 5.0, with rewritten code for Windows and Mac, native Mac hypervisor support, removed CNI […]

Google pitches AI developers with Gemini Pro, new tooling, and generous free quota

Gemini Pro, the multimodal AI model which powers Google Bard, has been made available to developers – both […]

WebAssembly increasingly used for plug-ins and serverless, but needs better tools

A new WebAssembly survey sponsored by software development company Scott Logic shows growing usage as a runtime for […]

StorageOS hits the big 2.0 as it targets more ‘mature’ clusters

StorageOS has shipped a release candidate of v2.0 of its Kubernetes persistent storage platform bringing a brace of […]

Eclipse’s Theia sees 1.0, declared ‘not your parents’ IDE’

The Eclipse Foundation has pinned a 1.0 designation on its Theia IDE platform, which aims to allow devs […]

Apache Isis settles onto Spring Boot

The Apache Software Foundation’s project for generating UIs for domain-driven Java applications, Isis, has clocked up another milestone […]