Red Hat has launched a beta of its migration analytics service, which it says will help customers’ digital transformation by delivering “an inventory of their applications, infrastructure and related processes in an effort to reduce costs, modernize environments and maximize agility”. The service will serve up info on workloads, where they reside and “the total level of effort needed to modernize each workload”. It adds that individuals “interested in participating in the beta “should expect short monthly meetings with Red Hat subject matter experts to explore their end-user observations and experiences.”
Spring Boot’s v2.1.11
Spring has shipped v2.1.11 of Spring Boot, boasting of 53 fixes, dependency upgrades and even improvements. These include a fix to address a broken Maven Plugin shut down on Windows, and one that meant server.ssl.key-alias is ignored when configuring Netty. Spring has also released Spring Batch 4.0.4, 4.1.3 and 4.2.1 with bug fixes as well as documentation and dependencies updates.
Istio release fixes bunch of five bugs
Istio 1.4.1 has been released, with fixes for a quintet of bugs the service mesh’s project team said will improve robustness. Fixes include a problem with route matching order when using cert-management with Kubernetes Ingress, excessive metrics generated by Galley, and the failure of istioctl to install on Windows.
Qt getting ready for v5.14.0 releases
Qt shipped a release candidate for v5.14.0 of the C++ GUI framework this week, and said it expected to ship the final version on December 12. In the meantime, it is asking users to give the RC a good working over and and to report all new release blockers immediately. This week also saw the release of a beta of Qt Design Studio 1.4.