Need a break? Continuous Lifecycle makes one-day appearance online

Need a break? Continuous Lifecycle makes one-day appearance online

Working from home can be a bit lonely. So to mix things up a bit, give you a chance to chat, and answer your most pressing questions on all things Continuous Delivery, containers, and Co. in the process, Continuous Lifecycle London will become an online thing for one day only.

On 15 July at 9:00 BST / 10:00 CEST, Continuous Lifecycle Online is bringing a fine line-up of containerisation and continuous delivery practitioners to your, hopefully ergonomic, desk. The programme is built upon your most requested topics ranging from security and observability, to compliance and service meshes, to provide you with the tools needed to make modern distributed architectures work.

We’ll start the day off with a keynote by brilliant container security expert, and CNCF technical oversight committee chair Liz Rice. Once you’ve heard about securing your setup, Luke Blaney, principal engineer at the Financial Times, will talk you through monitoring a distributed, mixed estate of old and new infra and apps to make sure it stays that way and everything keeps working as intended.

At the last Continuous Lifecycle London, which unfortunately had to take a break for obvious reasons this year, there have been lots of questions about service meshes. Hanna Prinz is therefore joining the online event to provide you with some knowledge to help you assess if the technology is a good choice for your project. 

The afternoon is then filled with Skyscanner’s Nicky Wrightson, who debates the need for pre-production environments, Pauline Lallinec who’ll be looking into Helm for frictionless deployments (and what to do when it all goes wrong), and Mateo Burillo, who will present ways to make compliance part of the continuous delivery pipeline. 

And since we’re surely seeing a lot of change in the way we currently work together, the event will close with a discussion round on the future of DevOps with Savinder Puri and others deep into topic. 

To make you get your say as well, sessions will include extended Q&A rounds at the end of each talk and opportunities to chat with other participants, amongst other things. 
Tickets are £120 and are one sale now.