Version 7.8 of the Elastic Stack has been recently made available for download. Users who haven’t checked the new features yet can look forward to a new side navigation, enhanced Stackdriver integration for better insight into Google Cloud operations as well as ways to work better with issue tracking system Jira, and a new Elasticsearch Service REST API amongst other things.
LLVM ponders incubation process
Chris Lattner, original author of the LLVM compiler infrastructure, took to the project’s dev mailing list last weekend to discuss the idea of introducing an incubator process for new subprojects. According to Lattner, the current high bar for becoming part of LLVM means that “projects have to start ‘somewhere else’ but proactively decide to follow LLVM design methodology and principles in the hope of being accepted”. If they for some reason can’t but are good enough to gain a following, converting them in accordance with the LLVM style is often too costly, which is why they seldomly “fold back in to” the project.
To change that, Lattner suggests an approach similar to that of the Apache Software foundation. Devs looking to start a new subproject could then walk through a “light-weight” proposal process which doesn’t require offering code up front. As part of the incubator, projects would have to follow LLVM’s developer policy and coding standards amongst other things, while being more visible from the start. Once they’ve reached an appropriate stage, projects would still need to complete the existing process to become a “first-class part of the mono repo”. Mentors familiar with the project could help push things in the right direction along the way.
Feedback so far has been largely in favour of the idea, though some kinks such as how to keep the incubator overseeable still seem to need some addressing.
That’s not my name: Loodse and EnterpriseDB rebrand
Not one but two companies decided to leave their old brand behind and try their luck under a new name in the last couple of days.
German containerisation specialist Loodse chose the monicker of its Kubernetes distribution Kubermatic for its new company identity in order to become more accessible for the international market. The new company identity was announced in time with the open sourcing of the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform and its 2.14 release.
Meanwhile PostgreSQL company EnterpriseDB decided to go with something shorter and snappier and is now known as EDB.
Perl pops up with 5.32 release
Interpreted programming language Perl caught dev’s attention a couple of days ago by setting version 5.32 into the world. Amongst other things the new release includes a new operator to test “whether a given object is an instance of a given class or a class derived from it”, Unicode 13.0 support and chained comparisons capabilities.
Harbor graduates CNCF
Six-year old open source registry Harbor is the eleventh project to become a graduated Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, joining the likes of Kubernetes and Prometheus. The project was started at VMware and donated to the foundation in 2018. Since then it made its way into the production environments of Samsung SDS, Mulesoft, and JD.com amongst others. The latest major release was pushed out last month.