Break point: Qt 6.2, K10, Kong, GitHub, PostgreSQL, and Docker Desktop

Break point: Qt 6.2, K10, Kong, GitHub, PostgreSQL, and Docker Desktop

Qt users who have been waiting for the 6.x series to catch up with Qt 5.15 functionality-wise should head over to the Qt web site, since version 6.2 is finally ready for downloading. Amongst other things, the LTS release introduces support for an array of modules, Bluetooth, Multimedia, Sensors, and WebSockets included, allows for instanced rendering and use of 3D particle effects in Qt Quick 3D, and provides a public CMake API to simplify the creation of QML modules.

Kasten K10 makes its way towards the edge

The team behind data management platform Kasten K10 got to celebrate its 4.5 release this week. Highlights of the update include new observability and visualisation tools to check a system’s health and gain insight into current operations, integration with external data services, Kubernetes edge support, and distributions of K3s and EKS Anywhere.

Kong launches Insomnia Projects, pushes Istio Gateway into GA

API platform provider Kong took the opportunity of seeing its users gathered at Kong Summit last Tuesday and Wednesday, to provide some insight into upcoming releases and flip the switch on some betas. Kong Istio Gateway for example is no longer experimental and API builder Insomnia now includes the option to group API collections and design documents into projects

Users missing Windows support from Kong Mesh will receive help with the upcoming version 1.5, while Gateway 2.6 will mainly focus on speed and throughput improvements. Teams interested in customising Kong Gateway deployments in various languages are promised to be able to do so soon thanks to the WebAssembly project WASMx, currently in preview.

GitHub Enterprise Server 3.2 is ready to go

GitHub’s Enterprise Server 3.2 landed this week and brings over 70 new features spanning new appearance settings, automatically expiring personal access tokens, and options to manage continuous delivery workflows via environments for GitHub Actions. Advanced Security users can now also specify custom patterns for secret scanning, and get to test a security overview page. A dependency review capability has been added as well and informs teams about added, removed or updated dependencies and their vulnerabilities.

GitHub also announced this week that GitHub Enterprise Cloud enterprise owners now have the option to invite GitHub organisations to join their enterprise account or remove existing enterprise-owned organizations.

PostgreSQL 14 cranks up performance

Version 14 of object-relational database system PostgreSQL is now available. The update mainly focuses on performance improvements, but also includes some new features such as an implementation of SQL-standard SEARCH and CYCLE options for common table expressions, multi-range support for range types, and the option for stored procedures to return data via OUT parameters.

Docker Desktop 4.1 makes volume management free for all 

The Docker team pushed out version 4.1 of Docker Desktop this week. It comes with full support for Docker Compose 2.0 and an improved self-diagnosis tool to help users find out what went wrong should Docker Desktop not work as expected. 

Docker Personal subscribers also gained some volume management capabilities and can now “view, download and delete contents from inside a volume”. Paid team and business plans, meanwhile, saw the addition of an option to prevent the tool from checking for updates — which can be useful should company restrictions mean you have to stay on a certain version.