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Amazon fits EFS with better access management

Amazon has updated its elastic file system (EFS) with new access management and security features in a bid […]

Rust core dev launches RFC to spin language into a foundation

Rust could spin itself into a foundation of its own this year, after core developer Nicholas Matsakis “offhandedly” […]

Can’t bin it? Google adds cloudy archives to its offerings

Google Cloud Storage now comes with an Archive class for long-term data retention to give rarely accessed data […]

Fedora Project lead targets design, packaging in ten year vision

Fedora Project leader Matthew Miller has sketched out a five to ten year vision for the Red Hat […]

Google says nature of APIs under threat as Oracle case heads to US Supreme Court

Google has claimed that the very nature of software APIs would be under threat if the US Supreme […]

Limited run only? GNU Bison gives D a try

Bison, a parser generator hosted by the GNU project, is now available in version 3.5, reducing the footprint […]

Ruby 2.7 raises pattern matching to the next level

The team behind the programming language Ruby followed its tradition of around-Christmas-releases and gifted its community Ruby 2.7 […]

2019: That’s all folks…

It’s that time of year, and the Devclass team will be taking a short break. However you’re spending […]

GitLab unwraps security, AWS integration in (final?) release of 2019

GitLab has put security front and centre in what should be this year’s last release of its Dev/Sec/Ops/everything […]

DataStax Luna offers support to leave Cassandra’s dark sides behind

Database vendor DataStax has started offering commercial support for open source project Apache Cassandra and released some free […]