Azure has extended its Ansible support with a full-fat Azure Marketplace Ansible Solution. Azure said this would enable teams to use Ansible with managed identities for Azure resources. The identity can be used to authenticate to any service that supports Azure Active Directory authentication, without any credentials in code or environment variables.
Elsewhere in Azure-land, XebiaLabs has announced its Azure DevOps Extension for XebiaLabs. It supports task execution on Azure DevOps agents on Linux, MacOS or Windows. XebiaLabs said customers upgrading from the XL Deploy Extension for VSTS Extension can continue to use existing tasks for their builds and releases until something needs to be modified.
Rubbing Salt in API wounds
Salt Security has unveiled what it says is the first security offering to identify and prevent API attacks, to secure Saas, web, microservices and IoT applications. API attacks can slip by traditional protection, it claims, because they are often carried out by authenticated users probing APIs for vulnerabilities. It cites Gartner figures which claim API attacks will be the most frequent attack vector for enterprise web apps by 2022.
Red Hat makes it easier to migrate to…Red Hat
Red Hat has extended its Infrastructure Migration Solution to include two further destinations for companies looking to get away from VMWare and towards hybrid clouds. The first new target is Red Hat Openstack, to allow customer to “run applications and services on a flexible, scalable and proven private cloud”. The second target is Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization. The migration solutions spans migration tools and services to help you break the ties to “proprietary” software, and a “single vendor future” – and get you onto a Red Hat future instead.