GitLab v11.8 extends security testing, Pages and time itself…

GitLab v11.8 extends security testing, Pages and time itself…

GitLab v11.8 rolled out over the weekend, giving users a long list of changes and improvements to pore over.

The latest version has a host of changes, but the vendor chose to lead with the extension of Static Application Security Testing to JavaScript, bringing the total number of languages and frameworks supported to 11.

The latest version also aims to improve error spotting, with integration with open source error tracker Sentry, and the most recent errors now being flagged up in projects. Last month Sentry tightened its integration with GitLab, adding release and commit tracking as well as suspect commits.

The third higlight is the extension of GitLab pages to subgroups, allowing them to publish content to the web. The most popular templates have been bundled into Pages, which GitLab says opens “up the possibility of creating your sites directly from the new project creation screen instead of having to fork a sample repository as before.”

That’s the top three according to GitLab, but there are a rake of other changes and improvements. You can now set merge request approval rules, for example by ensuring a variety of approvers from different departments.

GitLab Serverless now shows function scale for Knative functions, showing the number of Kubernetes pods currently in use. You can also display cluster environments in the serverless function list view.

GitLab has also played around with the nature of time itself. You can now specify the “first day of the week” instead of running the default of Sunday. Meanwhile, roadmaps can now be scrolled “forward into the future and backward into the past”, with epics that fall into the expanded time areas being displayed. And user creation data and the date of a user’s last activity have been added to the Users area of the admin panel.

Manually configured Prometheus servers can now also notify GitLab of alerts, by simply adding GitLab as a webhook receiver in alertmanager, and  GitLab will email Maintainers and Owners of the project when it receives an alert.

At the same time, support for Prometheus 1.x is now deprecated in Omnibus GitLab, and Prometheus 2.-0 included.  However the metrics format is incompatible with 1.0, so GitLab has provided a tool to migrate existing data.

The full list of changes, and deprecations, is available here.