What’s the Point? Travis CI’s build config validation, .NET Core on Lambda (not), Istio and Electron Upgrades

What’s the Point? Travis CI’s build config validation, .NET Core on Lambda (not), Istio and Electron Upgrades

Travis CI has announced a beta of its new Build Config Validation feature. The CI vendor said the feature will validate and normalize any incoming build config sources, .travis.yml files and configs from build requests created via API. The aim is to give more clarity about the build config format – it will produce messages that should give “direct insights into how your build config has been processed, what issues Travis CI might have found and how to resolve them.” Following the beta, the feature should be enabled for new repositories from November 15, and from January 15, Travis will enable it incrementally for existing repositories, “rolling back in time”.

AWS says no LTR for .NET Core 3.0

AWS has announced that it will not offer native support on Lambda for Microsoft’s recently released.NET Core 3.0. In a blog post this week, AWS said that .NET Core 3.0 is a “current” release,  while the Lambda team’s policy is to support Long Term Support versions of a runtime. That said, the blog post continued, users can still run use .NET 3.0 with Lambda, as with the “Amazon.Lambda.RuntimeSupport NuGet package you can use any version of .NET Core including 3.0”.

Istio Updates

The Istio team has released v1.2.8 of the service mesh. The release fixes half a dozen bugs, including one introduced in an October 8 security release. The same bug in the v1.1.x series of the service mesh was fixed earlier this week. The 1.2.8 release also adds pilot support for Istio’s new failure domain labels, sone and region.

Electron spins into 7.0.0

The Electron project – formerly known as Atom Shell – has hit v7.0.0. The latest release of the GUI includes upgrades to Chromium 78, V8 and Node 12.8.1. It also includes support for Windows on ARM (64 bit). A new native theme API will read and respond to changes in the OS’ theme and colour scheme. A new TypeScript Definitions generator has been added,  which should produce more precise definitions. A full list of fixes, features and breaking changes can be found here.