Kubernetes and related projects are most definitely in production, the latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s user survey shows.
The survey covered 1,337 respondents, drawn from the CNCF community. So, we are talking about the already converted here. Europe accounted for 37 per cent of respondents, North American 38 per cent and Asia, 71 per cent.
But the figures were enough for the CNCF to declare containers as the “norm”, with 84 per cent of respondents using them in production, compared to 23 per cent way back in March 2016. Proof of concept was the only use that saw a decline in the use of containers – to 89 per cent. Presumably because some developers are proving other concepts.
And if you’re wondering just how normal you are, 19 per cent of respondents had more than 5,000 containers in production, while 15 per cent had 1,000 to 4,999 in production, and 21 per cent were running between 20 and 999. Amazon’s EKS was the most widely used container platform, at just under 30 per cent, closely followed by Google’s Kubernetes Engine.
Overall, 78 per cent of respondents were using Kubernetes in production, up from 58 per cent the previous year, with 43 per cent of Kubernetes users having between two and five clusters in production. Just under 20 per cent were running a single cluster.
The continuous delivery nirvana of faster release cycles with automated delivery is a reality for a large number of respondents, with 27 per cent releasing daily, compared to 15 per cent a year ago, and the number achieving weekly releases increasing from 20 per cent the previous year to 28 per cent.
Around 40 per cent of developers were running automated releases, roughly the same as the previous year, but there was a big increase in the purport using a combination of automated and manual processes, from 25 per cent to 41 per cent. The most popular release tool was Jenkins, at 58 per cent, following GitLab on 34 per cent and CircleCI with 13 per cent.
When offered the choice, 38 per cent declared their cloud as hybrid, compared to 62 per cent opting for public cloud. This was the first year hybrid was offered as an answer.
Serverless use has grown, with just 34 per cent NOT working with the technology, while 41 per cent are, and 20 per cent planning to over the next 12 to 18 months.
Service meshes, the next next big thing, still have some way to go, with just 18 per cent of respondents saying they use the tech, while 47 per cent are in an evaluation phase. The most popular options were Istio and Linkerd.
All of which gives the Cloud Native Community plenty to talk about – though not unfortunately at the scheduled KubeCon shindig which was supposed to happen at the end of this month.
The CNCF announced yesterday that it postponing the Amsterdam event to July or August due to the coronavirus outbreak. The Kubecon Shanghai event scheduled for July has been cancelled altogether.
A string of major events over the next few months have now been cancelled, with Google, Red Hat and IBM also abandoning plans for major events due over the next few months.