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Databricks aims to flush out MLflow, Delta bottlenecks after investors put in another $250m

Spark originator Databricks has deepened its relationship with Microsoft, after Redmond took part in a funding round that […]

Hey, Presto! SQL query engine brings Foundation to life

Big-data SQL query engine Presto has gone the way of many an aspiring open-source project and sought security […]

Facebook gets childish to kickstart AI language learning

Facebook is partnering with French boffins and Microsoft Research to try and replicate language learning in very young […]

Platinum? That’ll do nicely – AWS drops big bucks on Apache Software Foundation

After years of dabbling, AWS has become a full-blooded platinum sponsor of the legendary Apache Software Foundation. AWS […]

Julia devs keep up momentum with 1.1 release

Julia’s developers recently released version 1.1 of the general-purpose programming language making it more consistent for its growing […]

Microsoft slips into SciKit-learn Consortium mode

Microsoft has joined the SciKit-learn Consortium, the organisation supporting construction of the free software machine-learning library for Python. […]

AWS open sources Neo-AI to push machine learning to the edge

AWS has made its Neo-AI project available under the Apache Software License, despite not being known as a […]

GitHub digs into machine-learning repos, uncovers a lot of Python

GitHub has thrown a light on what is happening in the machine learning and data science development worlds, […]

Cisco’s AppDynamics claims to have invented the CNS…the nerve of it.

AppDynamics has delivered the first fruits of its borging by Cisco two years ago, with the launch of […]

TensorFlow 1.13 is getting ready as first pre-release drops

The first TensorFlow v1.13 release candidate is already showing traces of the structural renewal planned for the big […]