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WTP: GCC, Longhorn, Flagger, Travis CI, and Docker’s first GitHub Action

GCC 9.3 has been made available. The bug-fix release takes care of over 150 regressions and serious issues […]

GitLab to finally pull free CI/CD for GitHub repos service

GitLab has declared it will stop providing free CI/CD for private repos hosted on GitHub this month. Definitely, […]

D2iQ hurries into the CI/CD space, presents Dispatch

D2iQ has broadened its portfolio by adding newly released cloud native CI/CD platform Dispatch to its Kubernetes distribution […]

Microsoft backs off on TLS 2.0 only plan for Azure DevOps

Microsoft has hit reverse on its plan to drop support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 in its […]

Google slaps management charge on GKE clusters – customers have their 5 x two cents…

Google is overhauling its pricing for its GKE service and introducing a management charge for clusters, sparking outrage […]

Running containers and Kubernetes? You’re completely normal, CNCF figures show

Kubernetes and related projects are most definitely in production, the latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s user survey shows. […]

GitLab provides remedies for slew of potential risks

Repository management platform GitLab has released versions 12.8.2, 12.7.7, and 12.6.8 of its Community and Enterprise offerings, remediating […]

Google opens up FuzzBench so fuzz fans can compare and contrast their techniques

Google has made another step forward in its effort to open up the joy of fuzzing to all, […]

GitHub outage exposed Rust crates.io flaw

GitHub’s wobbles over the last couple of weeks helped expose a bug in the crates.io webapp, the Rust […]

GitHub outages? It’s the database stupid…

GitHub has cast a sliver of light on the cause of the outages that have plagued the code […]