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Falco rocks CNCF sandbox

Sysdig’s Falco has become the first runtime security project to enter the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox. […]

Rancher spurs high availability and CI with new release

Container Management Platform Rancher 2.1 is ready to help DevOps-y types in the enterprise to get the hang […]

Kubernetes takes to GitHub to embrace non-code contributors

The team behind Kubernetes has given a big hug to people who may never have written a line […]

Platform9 takes etcdadm Kubernetes cluster tool open source

Platform9 has open sourced its etcdadm tool, answering the prayers of anyone who’s ever said to themselves, “I […]

Heroku pushes Buildpacks under cloud native umbrella

Cloud native Buildpacks are the newest addition to the CNCF sandbox, seven years after the original version of […]

Sysdig scoops deeper into Prometheus, equips Monitor with PromQL compatibility

Sysdig has reshaped its Monitor 3.0 service for Prometheus users, making it compatible with the Prometheus Query Language […]

Kubernetes hits v1.12 – and yes, it includes something for Azure lovers….

The Kubernetes team steered release 1.12 of the container orchestration platform into open water last night, with a […]

Something old, something new, something containery… Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.3 is here

Pivotal has updated its distribution of cloud application platform Cloud Foundry to v2.3, throwing in new versions of […]

Red Hat weaves Istio’s Service Mesh into OpenShift

If you were thinking that what Red Hat’s Openshift platform really needs is a service mesh, your prayers […]

Python hatches on Azure as Microsoft platform gets Machine Learning automated

Just in time for Microsoft’s Ignite conference, Azure Machine Learning has received a flurry of features including a […]