Break point: Quarkus, Pins, Kong Gateway, Artifact Hub, ClusterAPI, OSS Port, and Tanzu

Break point: Quarkus, Pins, Kong Gateway, Artifact Hub, ClusterAPI, OSS Port, and Tanzu

Kubernetes native Java stack Quarkus 2.3 has been pushed into the open this week. The update comes with a Dev Service for graph database Neo4j, annotations for testing command mode applications, and a new extension to support MongoDB Liquibase migrations. Developers also gained the option of using a simplified logging API instead of declaring a Logger field to reduce the amount of boilerplate code.

R packaging project pins hits 1.0

R programmers looking to bundle and share data, models, and other R objects can now try their luck with the first major release of the pins project. It is said to allow users to pin objects to shared folders, RStudio Connect, Amazon S3, and Azure blob storage, and version their pins “to track changes, re-run analyses on historical data, and undo mistakes”. 

For the 1.0 release, the pins team completely overhauled the project API. The old one will still be supported but current users should make sure to read the update notes, given that new features will only land in the new interface.

Kong Gateway focuses on performance for 2.6 release

The team behind open source API gateway Kong Gateway finished work on v2.6 of the project this week. Changes mainly focussed on performance and include the reduction of unnecessary reads and calls, and accelerated variable loading via indexes. Other than that there have been improvements to Kong’s performance benchmarking system and a refactor of the load-balancing functionality.

Artifact Hub gains support for Tekton pipelines

Version 1.3 of the cloud native artifact discovery web app Artifact Hub is now available. It is the first release to support pipelines of CI/CD project Tekton, but also comes with enhancements such as the option to hide stars in the widget, link Helm charts dependencies to packages in the hub, and work with provenance files in Helm OCI repositories. Under the hood vulnerability scanner Trivy was bumped to 0.20 and the project’s backend and frontend dependencies received updates.

Kubernetes Cluster API gets ready for production

Kubernetes’ Cluster API has been declared ready for production this week and is now officially one of the v1beta1 APIs. The move goes hand in hand with a couple of breaking changes users of the API should be aware of: controllers/mdutil for example can now be found in an internal package, EtcdClusterHealthyCondition has been renamed to EtcdClusterHealthy, condition.lastTransitionTime is now required and Controller Managers leader election has been migrated to the Kubernetes v1.Lease object. Details on additional modifications can be found in the API’s release notes.

CodeSee launches OSS Port to simplify codebase onboarding

Codebase visualisation company CodeSee recently shared a new project with the open source community. OSS Port is meant to help potential open source contributors to find projects that work on problems they personally care about and in a next step help them understand the codebase of their chosen project so that they can get started on contributions quicker. In order for projects to be found, maintainers can automatically generate maps of their codebase for free and, if they feel some additional information could be useful to new team members, manually add that for extra guidance.

VMware’s Tanzu gets community edition

VMware this week introduced a community edition of its Kubernetes platform Tanzu. The product is a “freely available, community-supported, open source distribution of VMware Tanzu” and aims to provide especially those new to Kubernetes with an easy-to-use platform. 

Though VMware banks on Tanzu community edition users to support each other with the project, the Tanzu roadmap will stay under the control of the company. The community is however invited to report bugs, request features and weigh in on the prioritisation of what to tackle next. Developers and ops folks interested in giving Tanzu a go, can try it in a sandbox environment VMware hosts.