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Google starts pronouncing serverless Kay-nay-tiv

With Serverless being the new next big thing and FaaS-on-Kubernetes projects popping up left and right, it was […]

GitLab pushes out 11.1, then patches it, as it clears decks for Google Cloud leap

GitLab pushed out version 11.1 of its platform, then promptly followed it up with a patch, just days […]

What’s the point: GitHub, Microsoft Azure and Heptio Ark edition

So many point releases, so little time. To keep you up to date on your favourite projects and […]

Orchestral manoeuvres in the Docker: A noob’s guide to microservices

Given the hype around microservices, it’s tempting to question whether the task of managing microservices has also been […]

Container orchestration top trumps: Let’s just pretend you don’t use Kubernetes already

Container orchestration comes in different flavours, but actual effort must be put into identifying the system most palatable. […]

Contain yourself – literally. You can’t avoid Docker, K8s for long

By Eberhard Wolff, February 22 Do you remember those guys that invented virtualization, founded a company, got rich […]

Look at stupid, sexy Kubernetes with all the cloud firms hanging off its musclebound arms

  Red Hat, better known for its Linux distro despite years of work in middleware and Java, last […]