
OCaml aims at overall performance in 4.10 release

General purpose programming language OCaml has landed in version 4.10, improving memory usage, garbage collection (GC) costs and […]

Individual accounts, missing naming standards, and legacy – Linux Foundation’s recipe for security disaster

The Linux Foundation has, together with Harvard’s Lab for Innovation Science, released its second go at a FOSS […]

Qt 5.15 Alpha is ready for testing

Version 5.15 of the GUI toolkit and cross-platform app framework Qt has been released a bit behind schedule, […]

SaltStack team ships release, parties like it…3000

SaltStack has pushed out the latest version of its automation platform with a stack of new features and […]

Is that a GDB in your pipeline? Debugger hits 9.1

GDB users can now download version 9.1 of their fav debugger, which brings interesting additions such as a […]

Red Hat’s Quarkus Tools for VS Code promise a lot less bother, and an awful lot of hover

Red Hat has pushed a revamped version of Quarkus Tools for Visual Studio Code onto the the VS […]

Spring gives cloud portfolio a slight refresh

Pivotal’s Spring portfolio for modern Java development got a couple of updates pushing projects like Cloud Data Flow […]

KDevelop 5.5 directs attention to language support details

The team behind KDevelop have mainly focused on small improvements to language support for C++, Python, and PHP […]

Rust team drops v1.41, sweetening the deal on crates

Mozilla-bred programming language Rust has hit version 1.41, improving Cargo details and relaxing restrictions for trait implementations, after […]

Hyperledger unfurls Fabric 2.0, says blockchain production era is nigh

Open source blockchain group  Hyperledger has pushed out v2.0 of Fabric, claiming its now four year old distributed […]