What’s the point: Azure DevOps for Londoners, Front Doors for all, updates for Databricks, Elastic and Gitlab

What’s the point: Azure DevOps for Londoners, Front Doors for all, updates for Databricks, Elastic and Gitlab

Microsoft has brought DevOps to London for the first time. Or rather, customers can now create Azure DevOps organisations and choose that their data will be stored in the UK. The vendor promises that all customer data “such as source code, work items, and test results, as well as the geo-redundant mirrors and offsite backups, are maintained within the selected geography when possible”. Existing customers who’ve been happy to let their Azure DevOps organisations wander around somewhere beyond the English Channel can request it be moved back to the UK.

Microsoft opens Front Door worldwide

Azure has also announced general availability for its Azure Front Door Service. Front Door is a global application delivery service for applications, built on Microsoft’s own global private network. Features include application and API acceleration, global load balancing and SSL offload. The service was developed to underpin Microsoft’s own services, including Azure DevOps.

Databricks drops Runtime 5.3

Databricks has announced Databricks Runtime 5.3. The new release sees general availability of its Delta Time Travel feature, which offers the ability to query a snapshot of a table using a timestamp string or a version. 5.3 also brings a public preview of a feature allowing streaming of data from a MySQL table directly into Delta. The full list of features and deprecations is here.

Elastic Stack stretches out 7.0 release candidate stage

Elastic has released a second release candidate for its Elastic Stack, which it says brings “more polish and bug fixes. The release is available for download, or for trialling on Elasticsearch, but Elastic still advises against putting it into production.

If it’s Friday, it’s GitLab update time

GitLab has released v 11.9.6 of its Community and Enterprise Editions to quash a number of bugs and regressions in its 11.9.0 release last month. Fixes include a bug  that caused excessive recursive calls with Rugged TreeEntries, and a pagination error that meant merges statuses for branches were not reported correctly.