Tag: Ruby
Rails 7.0 gets hotwired with new frontend framework, adds app-level encryption
Web application framework Ruby on Rails 7.0 is now available, promising no less than being the full-stack tool […]
Out with the old: HashiCorp announces HCP Packer, on-prem tools start throwing out their plugins
After making infrastructure as code project Terraform the star of HashiConf on day 1, day two was all […]
EAPs see CLion getting experimental while IntelliJ IDEA loads up on Kotlin helpers
The second 2021 update to JetBrains’ IDE portfolio is about to drop, so the tool teams have started […]
Static energy: Crystal language hits v1.0 milestone, ARM and Windows support still needs polishing
The first major release of the Crystal programming language happened this week as the project hit version 1.0. […]
Sick of K8s yet? Good, Engine Yard and Hitachi also offer Kubernetes services now
Developers looking for an easy way to get started with Kubernetes now have two more options to try: […]
Ruby 3.0 lands. Click your heels together 3 times and say: Speed up programs, speed up programs, speed up programs
Five years in the making, performance-oriented Ruby 3.0 has finally landed providing programmers with parallel execution features, and […]
What’s the point: GitHub, CircleCI, Puppet, Jaeger, Ruby, and HashiCorp
GitHub’s code scanning capabilities, a new feature introduced at the company’s Satellite conference in May 2020, has left […]
What’s the point: Qt, Ruby, GitLab pricing, Databricks, TabNet, Icinga, and Ambassador
Ruby creator promises major release for Christmas Ruby creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto has informed the community around his […]
Chef pulls Infra 16 from the oven, flexes muscle at ARM users
True to last year’s announcement, starting in May 2020 all Chef Infra versions older than Chef 15 will […]
Round-up: AWS MAPs to Windows, Crystal clarity, Spring cools on Solr, Chef cuts off s390x
AWS has announced its Migration Acceleration Program for Windows has now reached general availability. The service, first announced […]