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Tim Anderson


Deno team promises npm compatibility and ‘fastest JavaScript runtime web server ever built’

Deno, created by Ryan Dahl who is the original author of Node.js, will get easy import of npm […]

Microsoft previews Dev Boxes: Deep into the Azure rabbit hole

Microsoft’s Dev Box offer, preconfigured Windows VMs designed to enable developers to work on remote machines, is now […]

TypeScript 4.8 is now a Release Candidate, fixes ‘early foot-gun for JavaScript developers’

The next version of TypeScript, 4.8, is now at Release Candidate stage. “Between now and the stable release […]

Microsoft updates Visual Studio with full release of MAUI tooling, Mac version lags behind

Microsoft has released new updates to Visual Studio, including a stable release of Visual Studio 17.3 for Windows […]

Astro web framework 1.0 released: a route back to multi-page applications

The Astro team has released version 1.0, noting that organisations which already have some deployments built with this […]

GitHub proposes Sigstore adoption to link npm packages to their source, faces dev pushback

GitHub, which among other things operates the npm package registry in constant use by millions of JavaScript and […]

C23 is done, declares ISO Project Editor – here’s what’s new

C23 – a revision of the C standard – is finished according to ISO project editor JeanHeyd Meneide, […]

‘The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it,’ says JSON creator Douglas Crockford

JavaScript, the world’s most popular programming language according to most surveys, has become a barrier to progress, according […]

AWS brings Visual Studio to EC2, intros .NET modernization tool

AWS says it has improved support for Microsoft-platform development with the introduction of Visual Studio on EC2 (Elastic […]

Microsoft’s Fluid Framework flows into general availability on Azure

Microsoft has gone live with its Azure Fluid Relay service to support real-time collaboration applications, available in around […]