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Tag: Python

TIOBE Programming Language of the year 2021 title goes to Python (again)

For the second time in a row, Python has been crowned the programming language of the year by […]

NumPy 1.22 kicks off windows/arm64 support, completes main annotation work

After more than a half year of work, the NumPy team has released version 1.22 of the scientific […]

Break point: Django, VS Code, Eclipse, Spring Tools, and GitHub Enterprise Server

The team behind Python web framework Django has put the finishing touches to its RedisCache backend and released […]

JetBrains fits IDEs with remote capabilities

JetBrains continued its IDE update extravaganza last week, bumping popular choices like IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and CLion up […]

Latest Python Extension for Visual Studio Code means end of life for Microsoft Python Language Server

Microsoft has made available the November 2021 release of its Python Extension for Visual Studio Code, formally marking […]

Ah, there it is: Python 3.10 launches switch equivalent, adds more help in case things go wrong

Version 3.10 of popular programming language Python has been released just as planned, and while the update doesn’t […]

Scikit-learn celebrates the big 1.0 with keyword arguments and online one-class SVMs

After a good 14 years of development, the team behind scikit-learn has released version 1.0 of the Python […]

TensorFlow splits off Keras, hits 2.6 with lots of security fixes

Deep learning framework TensorFlow 2.6 has left the beta testing phase behind, and is now ready for general […]

JupyterLite: Honey, I shrunk the JupyterLab environment

The Project Jupyter team has disclosed details of JupyterLite — a JupyterLab distribution it is developing that runs […]

Visual Studio Code 1.58 brings customer feedback changes

Microsoft has released Visual Studio Code 1.58, bringing with it some changes to the Workspace Trust feature introduced […]